kekedee 2023-05-27 01:05

I wish DeSantis had joined Trump as a VP...in training for President

kekedee 2023-05-27 01:17

I also hold Congressman Chip Roy in high regard

Free_Fighter 2023-05-30 00:20

Tom, you need to state the whole FACTS regarding some things, because when you state that "muh Nazis" like Mengele was responsible for the experiments on some people, you are ignoring what the Jews did, which is why Hitler came down on them, because of the evil they were doing in Germany at that time. I am not defending Hitler because he went overboard when he included all Jews because he said that Jews stick together like burrs, so he moved against all of them. See the true history, that a homo Jew in Germany founded the first trans clinic, and the Nazis closed him down and burnt all his books and other perverse items. And that a homo Jew was the first one in history that had a sex change operation, which was back in that time period. SO, to constantly point the finger at "muh Nazis" as the big bad evil ones, when Jews were at the forefront of sex perversions, including the founders of the first trans clinic in history, and making sex change operations, is either an ignorant disregard of the FACTS, or a deliberate smokescreen hiding the truth. This is ONLY one article on this, there is plenty of them out there. --> www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic Also, see this video on Bitchute.com called JEWISH RABBI YARON REUVEN, ADMITS TRUTH ABOUT ADOLF HITLER. You can hear the pertinent info within just the first 3 minutes where the Rabbi stated why Hitler did what he did to the Jews. This honest Rabbi said that it does mean Hitler was right, but it is true history, he states. So Tom, get some FACTS straight, otherwise you are speaking lies.

Free_Fighter 2023-05-30 00:31

To correct my previous comment because there is no Edit option, the Rabbi stated that it does NOT mean Hitler was right for what he did. Also, after the website address I gave, a / needs to be placed after the word clinic, which I forgot to include, which ends the address before the next sentence begins with Also. You need an Edit option to avoid confusion.

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